World in Conflict Soviet Assault
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Nájdených 9 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 9)
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PC WORLD IN CONFLICT SOVIET ASSAULT PC DVD-ROMRozsáhlý datadisk pro špičkovou strategii World in Confilct přináší kampaň za Rudou armádu. Ta se vpádem na území USA zaslouží o počátek třetí světové války. Strhujících šest misí disponuje poutavou atmosférou, kterou doplňuje řada in-game filmečků s vyprávěným příběhem. Do role plukovníka Romanova ... |
8,00 € |
Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist MovementOn the morning of September 11, 2001, the entire world was introduced to Al Qaeda and its enigmatic leader, Osama bin Laden. But the organization that changed the face of terrorism forever and unleashed a whirlwind of counterterrorism activity and two major wars had been on the scene long before tha... |
13,11 € |
Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist MovementOn the morning of September 11, 2001, the entire world was introduced to Al Qaeda and its enigmatic leader, Osama bin Laden. But the organization that changed the face of terrorism forever and unleashed a whirlwind of counterterrorism activity and two major wars had been on the scene long before tha... |
13,07 € |
Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2The Eastern Front, the most decisive theatre of World War II and the largest land battlefield. A fight to the end, Total War between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, each commanding millions. The legendary wargame team at 2by3 Games has spent years revisiting this titanic conflict to once again... |
65,59 € |
The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History (Plokhy Serhii)Despite repeated warnings from the White House, Russias invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. Why did Putin start the war--and why has it unfolded in previously unimaginable ways? Ukrainians have resisted a superior military; the West has united, while Russia grows increasingly iso... |
10,12 € |
Steel Division 2 Black SundayTransporting the player to the southern battlefields of Romania, Steel Division 2 - Black Sunday is the third expansion of the popular World War 2 RTS set on the Eastern Front.Late August 1944 and the Red Army is poised to invade Romania and knock out the wavering Axis ally with a massive two-pronge... |
11,55 € |
Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2 (PC)The Eastern Front, the most decisive theatre of World War II and the largest land battlefield. A fight to the end, Total War between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, each commanding millions. The legendary wargame team at 2by3 Games has spent years revisiting this titanic conflict to once again... |
42,99 € |
Eyewitness to Wehrmacht Atrocities on the Eastern Front: A German Soldiers Memoir of War and Captivity (Raffeiner Luis)How can the truth about the devastating atrocities committed by the German army on the Eastern Front in the Second World War be reconciled with the propaganda of their heroism and their victories? And how did a simple soldier, caught up in the turmoil of a vast conflict, make sense of the actions he... |
20,52 € |
The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History (Plokhy Serhii)Despite repeated warnings from the White House, Russias invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. Why did Putin start the war--and why has it unfolded in previously unimaginable ways? Ukrainians have resisted a superior military; the West has united, while Russia grows increasingly iso... |
23,44 € |
Nájdených 9 výsledkov |